Eungella Macaws is a unique breeding establishment of the Macaw parrots, the endangered, long tailed birds with brilliant plumage, from South America.

24 Apr 2007

A pair of Scarlet Macaws.

scarlet macaws are also bred at this facility

16 Apr 2007

This is my watch dog

Here she is looking after our new chicks. All 4 of them

Boy has it been a busy day.
She works 24/7 and never asks for a day off. But I have a few hours off when the boss isn't looking.

extensions complete

new pairs will be set up into flights to breed in 2009 and their young will be ready by 2011.

some of the babies to be set into breeding pairs.
their young will be ready by 2011

extensions to new aviary

8 babies will be split into 4 new pairs for breeding
their young will be avaliabe by 2010