Eungella Macaws is a unique breeding establishment of the Macaw parrots, the endangered, long tailed birds with brilliant plumage, from South America.

30 Nov 2008

PUGGLES,the smallest Echidna baby around, and his mother. The Kangaroo lady.

Red dog with one of her furry friends.

25 Nov 2008

Canberra Avicultural Club out for B/B/Q

Some of the memebers here for b/b/q
It was a very cold day.
We had sunshine,
hail, so we moved inside where a good time was had by all.

9 Nov 2008

Emma and Joshua at a wildlife sanctuary

Em and Josh out for the day.
We went to visit the sanctuary
As you can see the kids had a great time.
They did not want to leave.

8 Nov 2008

Ralph wanted to live with the macaws.

Teko wanted to kill Ralph.
exit stage right for Ralph


Old garden gone ready for new.